Need a Speaker for your conference, retreat, women's Ministry or community event?
Looking for a topic to address the needs of the women in your community?
If you are a Leader/Speaker and desire to be placed on the IWMN or NCWMN Speakers and Teachers
Network, please contact us here.
NCWMN Speakers and Teachers enjoy speaking and sharing to both men and women on the
following topics:
emotional healing from past memories,
overcoming depression,
living in forgiveness,
releasing bitterness
living with healthy relational boundaries,
freedom from emotional pain
healthy body image
overcoming sexual brokeness
gaining God's vision for godly sexuality
renewing of the mind (overcoming racing thoughts/obsessive thinking)
prayer & worship
healing prayer ministry
Gifted and anointed Speakers and Teachers in our growing network of IWMN in Montreal, Toronto in Canada; North Carolina, San Diego, Atlanta, and various international cities around the globe, desire to help bring-about lasting change and transformative healing in the lives of women in our local communities and world-wide. Their groundedness, ability to minister healing and truth invites women to live the empowered life that God has for them. To invite IWMN Staff, Achlaï Ernest Wallace or Renita Sims for your upcoming event to speak or for a List of our Teacher/Speaker Network, please contact us here.